Bee Facts + FAQs
Here are some common FAQs!

Annual Colony Losses
Every year Bee Informed Partnership collects data from all levels of beekeepers nationwide to provide interactive data regarding honey bee colony stressors and seasonal losses.

Bee Pests in Hawaii
Varroa destructor Mite- is the most damaging pest to the European Honey Bee worldwide.
First identified in the mainland in 1987, the mite made its way into Oahu in 2007 and Hawai'i Island by 2008. 63.1% of Hawaii reported colonies list varroa mites as the #1 stressor (2022 USDA NASS Survey)
How you can help bees and pollinators

How you can help bees
- Eat local honey
- Plant bee-friendly plants
- Allow your grass and trees to flower before mowing/pruning
- Join/support your local bee club! Here in Hawaii it's BIBA!
- Raise bees
Bee-Friendly Plants
- Hawaii Bee Friendly Plant List
- Native Hawaiian Plant List by Island
- Pollinator Partnership Plant List
Advocacy Groups
- Pollinator Partnership - Annual State of Hawaii Pollinator Proclamation (in partnership with yours truly and the Big Island Beekeepers Association!)
Get Informed on Bee Health
- Bee Informed Partnership Annual Colony Losses Map
- USDA Honey Bee Colony Reporting
- UH Manoa Hawaii Honey Bee Surveys
- Bee Health Collective

Curious what to plant?
Bees love basil

They love all citrus

Mexican Heathers are an absolute favorite


Dragon Fruit